Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Homeowner's Visual Plumbing Inspection

Hi there and Happy Thursday.

Here's a list (in no particular order) of some of the plumbing you should be checking on a regular basis (weekly/monthly).  This list is certainly not exhaustive.  But it is a start.

1.  Faucets (Kitchen, Bathroom, Laundry, Outside)

     Do they drip (one drip doesn't cost much, but what about an extra gallon of drips a day)?
     Are they loose (this could cause serious problems, because a lot have delicate connections)?
     Is there enough water flow (or has it been declining)?
     Check the outside faucets as well.

2.  Sinks

     Are they getting slower to drain?
     Is there moisture under the sink? (you may have to clear everything out to check this)
     Is there hard water stains on the outside of the drainage piping under the sink?
     Do you have a metal enamel sink in your bathroom?  (these usually rust around the drain & start to leak)

3.  Bath Tubs / Showers

     Does the faucet drip?
     If it is a tub with a shower, does all the water get diverted to the shower head?
     Are there water stains on the ceiling below the tub or shower?

4.  Toilets

     Can you flush without having to hold the handle down?
     Is it a strong flush?
     Does your toilet make noises when no one is using it?
     Is there water/moisture around the base of the toilet?

5.  Laundry room

     Is the floor wet after doing the laundry?
     How do the water hoses look (are they fresh and new or old and dry looking)?
     Is there a smell in your laundry room that is not fresh?  Maybe pour some water in the floor drain.

6.  Piping

     Do you have copper drainage piping that is soft to the touch?  (in homes that were built before the 70's)
     If your big black vertical drainage pipe (3" ususally) is exposed, run your hands up and down.  It should    be dry.

This brings me to my last point.  Normal functioning plumbing should be dry on the outside (of the fixture or pipe) and wet on the inside.  If the outside of a pipe is wet, or under a sink is wet, or even the inside of a sink is wet after it hasn't been used for a day, then it needs your attention.

Cost is always a consideration.  Everybody operates on a budget and needs to know how much things are going to cost.  We appreciate this and that is why we are offering FREE estimates to our fellow residents in North Edmonton.  Our estimates are good for 30 days.  That gives you time to think, plan, and allocate funds for these important fixes.  But beware, act today, because leaks wait for no one.  One day they are a small drip, the next they are a gusher.

If you have any of the plumbing issues above,

Call us today and book an appointment for a FREE estimate.


Sincerely Your North Edmonton Plumber,

 Jay Bortnik

Journeyman Jay Plumbing



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